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Staying Positive in a Hard Situation

Staying Positive in a Hard Situation


Heres the reality, life aint always full of rainbows.

Sometimes it’s exhaustion from lack of sleep, the never ending to do list, the aspirations of dreams or goals with limited energy, or sometimes it’s really hard like health issues, sadness, grief or medical conditions out of your control.

Whether it’s small, medium or heavy as an elephant it’s important to know that you are never alone. Everyone is dealing with some level of shit in their life and the more we talk about it the more we feel connected and united with one another.

Also know that seeking help, talking to your tribe, partner and sharing IS exactly what you should do. Going to therapy was one of the best things I EVER did for myself and I would go back in a heart beat. It’s the most courageous thing you can do for yourself is to seek help.

Now, the next part is really important. For the day to day you need to ask yourself how are you showing up for you? chances are it’s a hot mess, chances are that it’s non-existent because your living moment to moment (and that IS part of survival) but I have found the more that I took back even 10 minutes for me a day the more perspective I got and positivity flowed:

  1. 10 minute routine that grounds you, maybe this is your morning routine to eat breakfast, drink your coffee and sit for 5 minutes. MAYBE its taking 5 mins to get dressed, toss on your makeup and feel your best every morning. What makes you feel like you? What energizes you. DO it. Do it every single day.

  2. 3 things your grateful for daily. Now we know gratefulness is all over the internet BUT it is for a reason. It actually has been proven to re-wire your brain. It brings perspective to your day AND allows you to think outside of your funk to things or feelings you already have that make you feel positive about. Whether they are small or large things this is something I LOVE doing daily (while I am drinking my coffee).

  3. Focus on nourishing breakfast & water.

  4. 10 slow deep breaths, sometimes this is where we are at. Whether it’s working through a moment of sadness, tantrums from the kids we are grateful for (see what I did there), or moments where your questioning your abilities or self. Let your body relax through aligning your breath, feel your body rise and fall and you will instantly feel more relaxed, grounded and clear.

  5. Move your body. Are you incorporating movement into your daily routine? whether its a scheduled workout or a 15 min strength session while the kids play IT matters for your mental health, physical health and the ability to get out of your head and into your body. Maybe its a 15 minute dance party with your littles? or getting to that spin class weekly. Whether big or small incorporate movement into your daily routine.

  6. Get outside. Legit cabin fever is a real thing. It creeps up on us like a cloak of “I’m okayness” and it can have negative consequences on our vibe. Ensure you are getting fresh air daily, maybe its 10 minutes, a power walk, a full workout or a trip to the park with the family. You got this.

  7. Have something to look forward to. This is something my Grandma taught me and I think its SO true, whether it’s a date night, girls night, weekend away with your hubby, a morning to go shopping with a friend, a fun outing with the family coming up. HAVE something on the calendar that jacks you up. That gets you excited for what is going to come next. And in the hard times its always good to be thinking of something FUN that’s right around the corner.

Those are just a few of my tips that allow me to focus on myself in a day, to keep my mind positive and moving forward. Whether you start at one of these things, or 3 or all of them. Know that you CAN fit in moments in your day to focus on yourself, to keep moving forward and to face the hard WHILE balancing the good.

We got this. You got this.

Stay positive,

Top Knot Mommy

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